Key Trends in Racking Inspection Training: What to Expect in 2024

Racking Inspection Training

Warehouse safety and efficiency hinge significantly on regular racking inspection training. Of course, these inspections do not exist in a vacuum – as industries adapt, so do the methods and tools used for conducting inspections and the ways in which racking inspection professionals are trained.

This blog aims to explore the trends expected for the remainder of 2024 for racking inspection training, focusing on advancements and innovations set to enhance learning experiences and safety outcomes.

Emphasis on Technology Integration

The integration of technology in training programs is becoming more prominent. Tools like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) offer immersive learning experiences, allowing trainees to interact with virtual warehouse environments – getting as close to hands-on training as possible without interfering with the day-to-day operations of an active warehouse site.

Simulation software plays a core role, providing realistic scenarios that help trainees practice inspections in a controlled setting. This technological shift makes training more engaging and ensures that participants are better prepared for real-world challenges.

Enhanced Online Training Platforms

Comprehensive online training platforms are on the rise, offering flexibility and accessibility that traditional methods lack. E-learning modules provide interactive content, including video tutorials and online assessments, making it easier for trainees to grasp complex concepts at their own pace.

These platforms often include features such as progress tracking and personalised learning paths, which cater to individual needs and improve overall training effectiveness.

Focus on Continuous Learning and Certification

The trend towards ongoing education and certification programs is gaining momentum. Continuous learning is essential for keeping up with the latest industry standards and practices. Regular certification renewals ensure that professionals maintain up-to-date knowledge (staying abreast of sometimes fast-moving changes) and skills, contributing to safer and more efficient warehouse operations.

These programs also help in building a culture of continuous improvement and professional growth.

Incorporation of Data Analytics

Data analytics is increasingly used to enhance training effectiveness. Utilising technology to track trainee progress and identify knowledge gaps, analytics will provide valuable insights that can personalise learning experiences.

Uses of data analytics can include:

  • Tracking Progress: Analytics tools monitor trainee performance over time, providing detailed insights into their learning journey.
  • Identifying Knowledge Gaps: Trainers can pinpoint areas where trainees struggle and need additional support.
  • Personalizing Learning Experiences: Customizing training modules based on individual performance data ensures that each trainee receives the specific instruction they need.

These data-driven approaches benefit both trainees and trainers:

  • For Trainees: Personalised learning paths help trainees focus on their weak spots, enhancing their overall competence and confidence.
  • For Trainers: Data-driven insights allow trainers to refine their programs, making them more responsive to trainees’ needs. This can lead to more effective teaching methods and improved training outcomes.

Collaborative Learning and Peer Training

Collaborative learning environments are becoming more popular in warehouse racking inspection training. Peer training and group learning sessions encourage knowledge sharing and enhance engagement among trainees. These methods allow for a more collaborative culture, where individuals learn from each other’s experiences and insights.

Group activities and discussions improve understanding and build teamwork and communication skills, all of which are beneficial for effective warehouse operations.

Real-World Case Studies and Practical Exercises

Incorporating real-world case studies and practical exercises into training programs is highly beneficial. These methods provide hands-on experience and prepare trainees for actual inspection challenges.

Practical exercises simulate real-life scenarios, allowing trainees to apply their knowledge in a practical context. Real-world examples can also extend to the consequences of poor pallet racking inspections – giving the trainees a more direct, tangible look at the effects of their work.

This approach ensures that they are well-equipped to handle the complexities of racking inspections in their day-to-day roles and understand that while the task can sometimes seem like a box-ticking exercise, it has the potential to save lives and prevent life-changing injuries.

Greater Emphasis on Safety Protocols

There is an increased focus on safety protocols in training programs. Advanced safety procedures and emergency response training are becoming integral parts of the curriculum. Emphasising safety ensures that trainees are well-versed in the protocols required to maintain a secure working environment.

Key elements will include:

  • Advanced Safety Procedures: Training now covers more sophisticated safety measures, ensuring that all staff are well-versed in the latest industry standards.
  • Emergency Response Training: Programs include detailed instructions on how to react during emergencies, such as equipment failures or accidents.

The benefits of this renewed focus should be immediate:

  • Enhanced Safety: Prioritising safety protocols means that warehouses can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.
  • Preparedness: Employees trained in these advanced protocols are better prepared to handle unexpected situations, ensuring a swift and effective response.

This focus on safety protocols ensures that all employees contribute to a safer and more efficient working environment.


In summary, the key trends in racking inspection training for 2024 include the integration of advanced technologies, enhanced online platforms, continuous learning and certification, data analytics, collaborative learning, practical exercises, and a stronger emphasis on safety protocols.

Staying updated with these advancements needs to be a priority for warehouse managers and employees to ensure improved safety and efficiency. You can always reach out to the team at SEE Racking Inspections if you need further support.

Racking Inspection Training Beyond Basics: Advanced Strategies for Risk Mitigation

Racking Inspection Training

Warehouse safety is the most important aspect of warehouse management, with the integrity of racking systems playing a key role. Advanced training in racking inspection is an absolutely critical factor in pinpointing and mitigating potential hazards, thus safeguarding both personnel and inventory.

In this blog, we’ll shift the spotlight from elementary principles to more advanced strategies in racking inspection training, illustrating the importance of progressing from basic understanding to expert-level risk mitigation tactics.

The Bedrock of Racking Inspection Training

A robust grasp of racking inspection basics sets the stage for enhanced warehouse safety protocols. Initial training sessions arm inspectors with insights into typical vulnerabilities alongside skills for conducting comprehensive assessments.

Topics covered include:

  • Structural components of racking systems
  • Spotting wear or damage
  • Adhering to regulatory compliance standards

This foundational knowledge is crucial for adopting more sophisticated inspection techniques – you can’t learn the advanced techniques without first learning the basics, after all.

Uncovering Hidden Risks

Advanced training should show you how to identify concealed hazards. Inspectors learn to:

Recognize Subtle Risk Factors

Advanced racking inspection training equips inspectors with the skills to detect risk factors that might not be immediately evident. These subtle indicators of potential problems can include slight deformations in racking components, irregularities in floor anchoring, or early signs of corrosion that, if left unchecked, could compromise the structural integrity of the entire system.

Inspectors are taught to pay attention to:

  • Minor shifts in the alignment of racks that could indicate foundation issues or uneven load distribution.
  • Small cracks or bending in beam connectors which could lead to catastrophic failures under stress.
  • Signs of wear in protective coatings which could expose the material to accelerated corrosion.

This more nuanced observation capability is critical for early intervention, preventing minor issues from escalating into significant hazards.

Understand Operational Impacts on System Integrity

The day-to-day operations within a warehouse can exert various stresses on racking systems. Advanced training from a SEMA-approved racking inspector (or a member of staff who has been trained by one) goes into more detail on how different operational practices, such as the frequency and method of loading and unloading, can affect the durability and safety of these structures. For example, repeated impact from forklifts, overloading, or improper loading techniques can all gradually weaken the racking system.

Inspectors learn to:

  1. Assess the impact of operational workflows on racking stability and safety.
  2. Identify operational practices that may contribute to accelerated wear or potential system failure.
  3. Recommend adjustments in warehouse operations to mitigate these risks, ensuring the long-term integrity of the racking system.

Employ a Detailed Approach to Risk Detection

A detailed approach to risk detection involves a comprehensive examination of the racking system beyond what is visible at a glance. This thorough analysis includes checking for hidden defects that could undermine the racking’s performance or safety.

Advanced training emphasizes:

  • Technology, such as drones or sensors, should be used to inspect hard-to-reach areas or to conduct stress tests on the racking structure.
  • Systematic documentation of all findings for a historical record of the racking system’s condition which can be crucial for identifying patterns of wear or stress over time.
  • A regular schedule of detailed inspections that covers every component of the racking system, from the floor anchors to the load beams, ensuring that no part of the system is overlooked.

Through these expanded skills and knowledge, inspectors are better equipped to identify and address risks, contributing significantly to the safety and efficiency of warehouse operations.

Structural Analysis of Racking Systems

Here, we introduce methods for an in-depth structural analysis of racking systems, crucial for foreseeing and circumventing possible failures. The training focuses on:

  1. Assessing load distribution and structural integrity
  2. Evaluating environmental impacts on racking systems
  3. Anticipating issues to bolster safety

Harnessing Technology for Inspections

Incorporating technology significantly enhances inspection precision and efficiency. Training includes implementing and correctly using:

  1. Software tools
  2. Drones
  3. Sensors

These technological aids, combined with traditional methods, provide the most thorough appraisal of overall racking health.

Drafting Proactive Inspection Schedules

Switching to proactive inspection planning provides large reductions in system failure risks.

Discussion points include:

  • Strategies for preemptive risk management
  • Timely issue identification and resolution

Mastering Emergency Response

Even the most detailed and advanced racking inspections may not be enough – sometimes, issues are simply unavoidable. Advanced racking inspection training extends to emergency preparedness, highlighting rapid response and recovery techniques.

Key areas include:

  • Minimizing damage
  • Speeding up the recovery process

Building a Safety-First Culture

Advanced training underscores the importance of promoting a workplace ethos centred on safety and ongoing improvement.

Suggestions for cultivating this environment involve:

  1. Encouraging continuous education
  2. Engaging all staff in safety practices

Implementing Advanced Strategies

Adopting advanced risk mitigation strategies requires methodical planning. This guide outlines steps for transitioning to more sophisticated practices, ensuring a completely holistic approach to warehouse racking safety.

Advancing racking inspection training is vital for comprehensive risk mitigation and enhancing warehouse safety. Organizations can protect their workforce and assets by encouraging continuous learning and adopting more in-depth strategies, making advanced training an indispensable element in warehouse safety excellence.

For more insight into racking training or to arrange your own on-site training session, check out SEE Racking Inspections today.

Avoiding Warehouse Accidents with Racking Inspection Training

Avoiding Warehouse Accidents with Racking Inspection Training

The safety and integrity of racking systems are at the very centre of good warehouse management. These structures, often towering and laden with significant weight, are the backbone of efficient warehouse operations – but if used incorrectly or poorly maintained, they can be highly dangerous and costly.

Ensuring the stability and safety of your racking through regular inspections is often thought of as tedious red tape or a procedural formality; in reality, it’s a fundamental aspect of operational safety.

The actual process of pallet racking inspection is complex as there are numerous areas that can be overlooked, with the potential for dire consequences.

This blog provides an overview of these common inspection errors and emphasizes the impact that comprehensive training can have in averting potential disasters – by understanding (and avoiding) these pitfalls, warehouse managers can take meaningful steps toward safeguarding their operations and workforce.

What is a Warehouse Racking Inspection?

Warehouse racking systems are typically in near-constant use, carry considerable weight, and are subject to frequent pushing and pulling as loads are dropped off or picked. This will inevitably lead to considerable wear and tear – even though these systems are built for strength and longevity, they will still need to be checked over every now and again to make sure they are in good shape. Regular racking inspections will identify potential issues before they escalate into serious problems.

Avoiding these inspections (or not conducting them properly) is not an option. The best-case scenario in a racking collapse is that stock is damaged, but the more likely outcome involves damages to equipment and injuries to personnel – clearly, anything you can do to avoid such an event should be prioritised.

If you are a warehouse manager or safety officer, you should start thinking about racking inspections as your first line of defence against potential hazards. Ensuring that your racking is regularly and thoroughly inspected means that the warehouse will generally be a safer and more efficient work environment – it’s a safeguard for employees, products, and business operations.

What are Common Racking Inspection Mistakes?

When it comes to racking inspections, several common mistakes can significantly compromise warehouse safety. One of the most frequent errors is overlooking minor damages or signs of wear – small dents, rust patches, or slight deformations might seem inconsequential but can dramatically reduce the structural integrity of the racks. This oversight is often due to a lack of detailed knowledge or underestimating the impact of minor damages over time.

Another frequent error is misjudging (or, even worse, ignoring) load capacities. Racking systems are designed to support specific weight limits, and overloading them can lead to structural failures. Inspectors might not always check for changes in load distribution or recognize when a rack is being overburdened, leading to dangerous conditions.

Environmental factors, such as humidity and temperature fluctuations, can also have an effect on the health of racking systems. These conditions can cause materials to expand, contract, or corrode, yet they are often ignored during inspections. A failure to consider these factors can result in premature wear and unexpected failures.

Finally, the proper documentation of inspection findings is a critical step that is often mishandled.

Incomplete or inaccurate records of inspections can lead to a lack of accountability and follow-up, and this lapse can mean that identified issues are not addressed promptly, increasing the risk of accidents.

Each of these mistakes, while seemingly small, can lead to significant safety risks. The accumulation of these oversights can create a hazardous environment, endangering both employees and the stored goods and potentially leading to catastrophic outcomes.

Importance of Training in Racking Inspections

Proper racking inspection training is essential for ensuring warehouse safety and operational efficiency – a badly performed inspection can actually be worse than no inspection at all, as it will lead to a false sense of security. Proper training equips inspectors with a deep understanding of the complexities involved in racking systems and enables them to identify potential risks that untrained eyes might miss.

The gold standard for racking safety is SEMA – the Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association. This is the industry body that is dedicated to ensuring that racking safety is prioritized and that there are best practices available for warehouse operators and managers to adhere to.

The best approach for you is to make sure that any racking inspection training that you implement is carried out by approved SEMA racking inspectors. This will ensure that your training meets the industry-agreed best practices and guidelines.

The training program should also cover different racking systems, including their design, load-bearing capacities, and the impacts of various environmental factors. Trainee inspectors have to learn about the early signs of damage or wear and how to spot immediate concerns – as well as anticipate potential future issues.

High-quality training will also place an emphasis on the importance of accurate and thorough documentation. It teaches inspectors how to record their findings effectively (using a racking inspection checklist), ensuring that any identified issues are clearly communicated and addressed promptly – this aspect of training is crucial in establishing a reliable process for follow-up actions and accountability.

The value of training extends beyond the technical aspects. It also covers adherence to safety standards and regulations, which is vital for legal compliance and maintaining a safe work environment. Having a good understanding of these standards means that inspectors can ensure that the racking systems meet all required safety criteria.

Training gives inspectors the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct thorough and effective inspections – it is this expertise that will be key to avoiding the common mistakes that can lead to warehouse disasters.

What Does Racking Inspection Training Consist Of?

Training will ideally take place at your site – this is the best way to ensure that the course is tailored to your precise needs (including the type of racking you use, for example).

Attendees should include as many people as you can spare but should prioritize those that use materials handling equipment like forklifts and pallet trucks, as these are the people most likely to cause accidental damage to the racking (and therefore be well placed to identify and report it).

Racking inspection training is typically a one-day course, and with SEE Racking Inspections will result in the receipt of a certificate showing completion and that the newly-trained inspector has the skills to complete internal inspections.

Why is Racking Inspection Training Important for Warehouse Employees?

Racking Inspection Training

In warehouse operations, the safety and efficiency of daily activities are unimaginably important. Central to this is the concept of racking inspection training, a key yet often undervalued aspect that ensures the integrity of storage systems.

Racking inspection training equips warehouse staff with the necessary expertise to identify and address potential risks associated with storage racking systems. Its significance extends beyond basic compliance, playing a vital role in preventing accidents and ensuring the smooth operation of warehouse activities.

In this article, we’ll take a look at why racking inspection training is not just an operational requirement but a fundamental part of maintaining a safe and efficient warehouse environment – we aim to underscore the essential nature of this training in safeguarding both employees and goods while keeping warehouse operations running seamlessly.

What is Racking Inspection Training?

Racking inspection training is a specialized program designed to equip warehouse employees with the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct thorough and effective inspections of storage racking systems.

This specific form of health and safety training typically encompasses understanding the structure of racking systems, recognizing signs of wear or damage, and learning the correct procedures for reporting and addressing potential hazards. The essence of this training lies in its ability to empower employees to actively participate in maintaining a safe warehouse environment.

Of course, one of the most important factors in the training is quality – there is a world of difference between a couple of YouTube videos and an established, proven training course. Look out specifically for SEMA training courses, as these are the gold standard.

Warehouse Racking Inspections Mean Better Overall Safety

Regular and thorough racking inspections should be a cornerstone of warehouse safety. These inspections are crucial for identifying potential hazards that could lead to accidents, such as structural damage or overloaded racks – neglecting these inspections or executing them improperly can lead to catastrophic consequences, including rack collapses, which not only endanger employees but can also lead to significant financial losses and operational disruptions.

Legal and Compliance Requirements

Warehouses have various legal obligations concerning the safety of their racking systems – these regulations mandate regular inspections and proper training for those conducting them. Non-compliance with these legal requirements can result in penalties, legal repercussions, and a heightened risk of accidents.

It is absolutely vital for warehouse operations to align with these standards, set by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), to ensure safety and avoid legal complications.

Benefits of Training Warehouse Employees in Racking Inspection

Investing in racking inspection training for warehouse employees yields substantial benefits that will have a positive effect throughout the entire company. Firstly, it significantly enhances the safety within the warehouse – employees equipped with the right training can identify potential hazards early, preventing accidents and ensuring the well-being of their colleagues. This proactive approach to safety not only protects employees but also safeguards the inventory, reducing the risk of damage due to structural failures.

Secondly, trained employees contribute to a more efficient and smoothly running warehouse. With the ability to recognize and address issues quickly, there’s a reduction in downtime caused by equipment or rack failures. This efficiency enhances operational workflows, leading to increased productivity and, potentially, cost savings in the long run.

Next: when employees are trained and aware of safety protocols, there’s a significant reduction in the likelihood of costly legal issues arising from accidents or non-compliance with safety regulations. This aspect of training serves as a preventive measure, ensuring that warehouses adhere to industry standards and legal requirements, thus avoiding potential fines and legal complications.

Finally, another key benefit is the promotion of a safety-conscious culture within the warehouse. Employees who receive proper training tend to share their knowledge and practices with their peers, creating an environment where safety is a shared responsibility. This cultural shift not only improves the overall safety standards but also boosts employee morale, as they feel valued and secure in their workplace.

In summary, racking inspection training for warehouse employees should be thought of as a strategic investment. It enhances safety, increases operational efficiency, ensures compliance with legal standards, and cultivates a positive workplace culture.

What Makes Effective Racking Inspection Training?

Effective racking inspection training encompasses several key elements. Hands-on experience, coupled with theoretical knowledge, ensures that employees gain a comprehensive understanding of the inspection process while regular assessments and updates to the training material keep the employees aware of the best practices and evolving safety standards.

These elements are fundamental in cultivating a workforce that is competent and confident in maintaining warehouse safety.

Challenges in Implementing Racking Inspection Training

Implementing a comprehensive training program can present challenges. These include logistical issues, such as scheduling and resource allocation, as well as ensuring the training is engaging and relevant for employees.

Overcoming these challenges often requires a strategic approach involving flexible training schedules and incorporating interactive and practical elements into the training program to enhance engagement and retention of knowledge.

The Impact of Trained Employees on Warehouse Culture

A workforce trained in racking inspection should have a  significant influence on the safety culture within the warehouse. Safety-trained employees typically become advocates for safety, promoting responsible practices among their peers.

This shift in culture enhances the overall safety of the warehouse and also boosts morale and productivity, as employees feel more secure and valued in their workplace.

What Next?

The significance of racking inspection training in the context of warehouse operations cannot be overstated. This training is a critical investment in the safety and well-being of employees and the efficiency of warehouse operations – by equipping employees with the knowledge and skills to conduct effective racking inspections, warehouses comply with legal requirements as well as create a safer working environment.

This commitment to safety provides both immediate and long-term benefits, as it allows for a culture of responsibility and vigilance that permeates every aspect of warehouse operations.

The ripple effect of such training is profound – leading to fewer accidents, reduced operational disruptions, and a more informed, engaged workforce. For more information about racking inspection training, reach out to the team at SEE Racking Inspections today – we have the experience and expertise to help you optimise your warehouse operations through better safety.

Become a SARI & 4 Other Benefits of SEMA Racking Inspection Training

SEMA Racking Inspection Training

SEMA racking inspection training is the industry standard for rack safety.

SEMA (Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association) racking inspection training has many benefits. One particular SEMA racking inspection course, for example, is the best way for anyone with a background in engineering to become an “expert” third-party racking inspector in the eyes of HSE (Health and Safety Executive). This particular course (the SEMA approved racking inspectors scheme) is the one which HSE references directly in HSG76 and — as such — it’s often seen as the industry standard.

However, the benefits of SEMA racking inspection training go beyond adhering to HSE’s recommendations…

1. SEMA Racking Inspection Training Creates SARIs

The most obvious benefit of taking SEMA racking inspection training is that you become a SEMA approved racking inspector (SARI). Though, not all SEMA racking inspections training qualifies people to become SARIs.

Other courses — such as the SEMA Cantilever Racking Awareness Course — is designed for SARIs who want to improve their knowledge of cantilever racking safety. Taking this course doesn’t make you a SARI, but it makes you a better SARI. That’s why our SEMA approved racking inspectors are some of the only SARIs in the world to be SEMA approved pallet racking inspectors and a SEMA approved cantilever racking inspectors.

2. SEMA Racking Inspection Training Creates Trainers

For end users of racking — such as business owners and their employees — the SEMA racking inspection training courses designed for SARIs are not useful. It is for this reason that we developed our racking inspection training course. This course is delivered by our highly qualified SARI.

We can do our racking inspection training at our London training or at your workplace. Whatever option best suits your business’ needs, we can deliver.

3. Which Creates More Potential Trainers

The beauty of knowledge is how it can spread. As such, once someone has taken one of our racking inspection training courses, that person likely qualifies as “technically competent” in the eyes of HSG76 and the CDM Regulations 2015.

This person should be your business ’Person Responsible for Racking Safety (PRRS)’. Their job should be to perform the regular internal racking inspections which HSG76 recommends are performed by someone “technically competent”.

This person can then help to train others on matters of racking safety as well through basic demonstrations. While this is no substitute for a racking inspection training course, it’s helpful to have as many people as possible in your company who are familiar with racking safety.

4. SEMA Racking Inspection Training Saves Taxpayers’ Money

Without getting too tangled in the weeds about politics and the decisions of politicians, it is a fact that HSE funding has been decreasing under both the coalition and the Conservative governments. Some see this decrease as a good thing. Others see this decrease as a bad thing.

Regardless of your opinion, it is also a fact that SEMA racking inspections training courses are a way to cut down on government spending. In the past, HSE was the organisation responsible for interceding in the operation of many businesses across the UK.

With less money to spend, HSE now focuses on being the voice of health and safety instead. It helped to create public safety legislation and it also creates guidance documents which explain this legislation in layman’s terms. Organisations like SEMA are private organisations that act as a liaison between HSE and end users. As HSE spending goes down, SEMA’s role grows in importance.

5. SEMA Racking Inspection Training Makes Britain and Ireland Safer

SEMA racking inspections training may only play a small part in the safety of the UK. As part of the EU, yearly inspections from an “expert” racking inspector in Ireland are also recommended under EN 15635. What’s more, HSA specifically refers to HSE’s HSG76 — which recommends yearly inspections from an “expert” racking inspector and identifies SEMA approved racking inspectors as “experts”.

Over the past few years, workplace fatalities and injuries have both been on a general downward trend in the UK. This can’t be pinned down to one phenomenon, but SARIs and safety inspectors of all kinds have certainly contributed greatly to this.

For racking inspection training from a SEMA approved racking inspector:
Either at your workplace or at our training centre in London — contact SEE today for a FREE consultation.

Should I Give My Staff SEMA Racking Training This Christmas?

Christmas Gift SEMA Racking Training

SEMA racking training isn’t a gift you can wrap, but it’s still a welcome addition to Christmas.

If you want your staff to be driving home for Christmas, you’ll need a safe workplace. SEMA racking trainings can help you with that. However, that doesn’t mean that every staff member needs SEMA racking training.

What is SEMA Racking Training?

SEMA racking trainings is any kind of rack safety course run by SEMA. We offer rack safety training courses run by a SEMA approved racking inspector, but this is not the same as SEMA racking trainings.

Do My Staff Need SEMA Racking Training?

HSE recommends regular racking inspections from staff members and it also recommends that each warehouse has a person responsible for racking safety (PRRS). According to the CDM Regulations 2015, it is your duty as an employer to make sure that anyone performing a task like racking inspection or performing a role like the PRRS is “competent”.

To achieve this competency, SEMA racking trainings or racking inspection training from a SEMA approved racking inspector (SARI) are both good options. HSE labels SEMA, SARIs, and the work they both perform as “expert”. As such, it’s fair to assume that someone successfully trained by SEMA or a SARI to inspect racking would be deemed “competent”.

What Does SEMA Racking Training Involve?

This depends entirely on the course, but inspection is probably the most important aspect of any SEMA racking training course or any course performed by a SARI. The reason for this is that inspection is the aspect of racking safety which requires the most explanation.

Safe installation of racking mostly involves making sure that the person doing the installation. Safe use of racking mostly involves following the manufacturer’s instructions, especially with regards to load notices. However, safe inspection of racking involves knowing what to inspect, how often to inspect, what to do in the event of damage, and what damage or misuse actually looks like.

That last part is often the trickiest thing to spot and the easiest thing to miss. Knowing whether or not a racking system is missing a small part and knowing how integral this part is to the whole system is just one example of something which can require training. After all, it’s impossible to say for certain if a storage system is unsafe if you don’t know exactly what safe looks like, exactly what unsafe looks like, and what exactly makes a system safe or unsafe.

Is SEMA Racking Training Enough?

Giving your staff SEMA racking training — or training from a SARI — will likely be enough to class them as competent. However, the important thing to remember about safety is that it is a continuous process, rather than a one-time thing.

As such, you will also need to make sure that your trained staff perform racking inspections on a regular basis. For this, HSE recommends a traffic light system, where no damage is marked as green and damage is marked as amber or red, depending on its severity. Each colour then requires a different action.

This means that it’s not enough for your staff to passively receive the training. They need to actively use this training on a regular basis through regular inspections. What’s more, they need to act upon any damage they find in the warehouse.As well as all that, you will need to ensure that your staff receives an inspection at least once every 12 months from a SARI.

For racking inspection or racking inspection trainings from one of the only SARIs qualified by SEMA to inspect pallet racking and cantilever racking, contact Storage Equipment Experts today for a FREE consultation. We offer nationwide coverage for both the whole of the UK and Ireland.

Top 3 New Safety Training Trends

Safety Training Trends by Storage Equipment Experts UK

Our racking inspection training course is the pinnacle of safety training, but safety training is making leaps and bounds in other areas too. Welcome to the future of safety!

Everything is subject to change and safety training is no different. As business models evolve in the face of cutting-edge technologies, safety training has also developed some new and exciting ideas. Our racking inspection training course is still immensely popular, but who’s to say that — in 20 years’ time — it won’t include some of these innovative new ideas?

1. Safety Villages: The Safe Place for Children to Make Mistakes

How is your child meant to know what to do if there’s a fire? You could tell them, but some people learn better by doing. So how can you let your children act out what to do in the event of danger without actually putting them in danger? The answer to that question is precisely what drove Terri Kindberg to develop their Chautauqua Children’s Safety Education Village.

The “safety village” looks somewhat like a film set and is filled with mock dangers that the children are encouraged to navigate their way through with the help of a few trained instructors. As of July 2016, there are only a dozen or so of these villages across North America, but the nonprofit responsible aims to develop more in the future.

2. Drones, The SEMA Safety Conference, and The Future of Racking Inspection Training?

November 2015’s SEMA Safety Conference was a veritable hub of safety innovation as speakers from across the industry came together to discuss how to improve upon SEMA’s already high standards. One the ideas put forward by Steve Cowen from SEMA was the introduction of drones to perform rack safety inspections.

While he conceded that there would be many legal and logistical hurdles, he believed that the principle of the idea was more than a gimmick. There are some racking systems which some SEMA approved rack inspectors (SARIs) will, quite rightly, refuse to inspect because of how dangerous they are. If a SARI can tell, from a distance, that a racking system is unsafe then that it is because it is extremely unsafe.

Cowen suggested that a solution to this would be racking inspection via drones. These unmanned machines are fitted with cameras which allow for people to inspect a racking system in detail but, crucially, do so from a distance. If this idea is adopt by SEMA, it could spell big changes for our current racking inspection training course.

3. Automation and Robot Racking Inspection Training

Drones are one thing, but could the future mean that the job of racking safety and racking inspection training is entirely replace autonomous machines? No. At least, not the near future… Who’s to say what rack safety inspections and racking inspection training will look like in hundreds of years time?

For the foreseeable future though, SEMA approved racking inspectors across the UK have their title because they are able to spot the things that machines and those with a basic level of racking safety knowledge cannot. The automation of labour

has lead many to wonder about the security of their respective industry, but we have always been at the forefront of racking inspection training. As long we stay that way, our racking inspection training course will remain the best option for years to come.

Contact Storage Equipment Experts for rack safety inspections and training from the people at the forefront of the racking inspection industry.

Top Benefits of Racking Inspection Training for Big Businesses

Top Benefits of Racking Inspection Training for Big Businesses

Becoming a big business and maintaining your position as a big business of racking inspection training is a matter of making the right choices at the right time, and it is always the right time to invest in safety. Racking inspection training offers countless benefits for large businesses, but here are just a few.

Racking Inspection Training Can Help With Brand Identity

When a business gets to a certain size, it begins to learn that not all press is good press. Sometimes businesses learn this the hard way, but by paying attention to recent history, businesses can instead learn from others’ mistakes.

Volkswagen paid the price for a lax attitude towards safety and sustainability and the scandal that followed has led to a huge crisis for both the brand and the business as a whole. Amazon recently fought back against accusations that they mistreat their warehouse employees.

Still, this goes to show that even if accusations of unsafe working conditions for warehouse staff are unfounded, they can still be damaging. Whether or not Amazon mistreat their staff is beside the point. The point is that the public, millions of potential customers, are very angry at the possibility of mistreated staff.

The takeaway from this is that consumers care whether or not a company is fulfilling its moral duty. The general consensus is that, if a business is successful, then it can afford to invest in the safety of its staff and the safety of the planet. Ensuring that your warehouse staff receive racking inspection training is the right thing to do and your brand’s identity will improve as a result.

Racking Inspection Training Can Help With Staff Identity

In 2012, petrol tanker drivers representing some of the UK’s biggest petrol companies threatened to go on strike. There were many motives for their decision, but the biggest was a lack of safety training. When money is tight, some big businesses’ knee-jerk reaction is to punish employees.

However, as Sir Richard Branson points out, “if you look after your staff, they’ll look after your customers”. Branson is definitely a voice to listen to when it comes to big business, and his stance on training is that employers should “train people well enough so

they can leave, treat people well enough so they don’t want to”. Giving your warehouse employees

racking inspection training is a practical way to act out Branson’s advice and to avoid mistakes made by British petroleum companies in the past.

Far too often, warehouse employees can feel neglected. There is more than one instance when big businesses have been accused of mistreating their staff through forcing them to work long hours, for little pay and with little respect. Central to all of this is the issue of safety.

If an employee has no respect for their company, then they are more likely to take risks through not caring. HSE understand that this is a genuine problem, which is why they offer courses on workplace attitude towards safety that analyse the behaviour and mental state associated with unsafe workers. Big businesses can also do their bit here too by offering more safety training.

Staff who feel that they are being respected will treat a big employer with more respect. Moreover, if the public feels that a business is doing the right thing, then they are more likely to spend their money.

A warehouse is the cornerstone of product storage, but it doesn’t run by magic. Big corporations sometimes is called “faceless”. Racking inspection training shows the public, and your employees, that your business has a face which is concerned about safety.

Be the big business that your employees, and the public, want you to be with racking inspection training from the best SEMA-approved racking inspector there is.

Start 2016 with Racking Inspections And Training from SEMA Approved Inspectors

Racking inspection training UK

If there’s one New Year’s Resolution that warehouse owners should stick to, it’s making sure that their pallet racking inspections systems are as safe as possible. January is a great month to make sure your business has a post-Christmas visit by a SEMA approved racking inspector.

Racking safety and the Christmas gone by

The stress of Christmas may be over, but your pallet racking systems will have taken quite a lot of stress this holiday season too. The festive months of November and December are usually the busiest for commerce and for businesses in general. This extra business is great news for sales, but it can be bad news for racking safety if you ignore your warehouse’s needs. Now that your warehouse is quieter, it’s the perfect time to assess your storage systems with a pallet racking inspection.

Racking Safety and the Science of Temperature

The science of cold weather can be fun for those who are interested in the magic it can do, but this same science also means that the cold can have a negative effect on the metal in your warehouse. Metal contracts in the cold and expands in the heat.

This expansion and contraction, across your whole warehouse during the cold months of January, can mean that your racking is under stress even if it is being used with the utmost care. If your staff have racking inspection training, then they can check on the effects of this. Still, if you’re unsure, it’s always a good idea to call a SEMA approved racking inspector.

A New Year, a New Start…

Make 2016 the year that you nip safety issues in the bud. HSE recommend a traffic light system for the racking inspections: green means okay, amber requires attention, and red requires immediate attention. This year, keep all your racking green and make your warehouse a zero accident workplace. Motivation in business is a big thing when it comes to sales and marketing but It is not utilise in workplace safety. At Storage Equipment Experts, we believe in motivating staff for safety. The start of a new year, and the extra push of racking inspection training, is a great way to achieve this motivation.

Begin this new year with a newfound knowledge of pallet racking safety. Contact SEMA Racking Inspections today for a pallet racking inspection and racking inspection training from the UK’s best SEMA approved racking inspector.

What Does 2016 Mean for Racking Safety?

Racking Safety in SEMA approved inspectors UK

2015 was a big year for racking safety, with the SEMA Safety Conference in November, the SEMA Seminar in June, and HSE’s introduction of new CDM regulations, but 2016 promises to be even bigger. Here are a few things to look out for this year.

1. Racking Safety Awareness Training & Racking Inspection Training

As usual, SEMA are running a variety of racking safety awareness courses throughout the year. SEMA have outlined their schedule for 2016 with three to four courses being run every month. The courses are all on racking safety, cantilever racking safety, and racking maintenance.

Many businessmen and SEMA approved racking inspectors will be in attendance. Here at Storage Equipment Experts, we too are continuing our commitment to safety training by continuing to run our racking inspection training course: the best course of its kind in the UK.

2. HSE’s New Attitude Towards Racking Safety, Warehouse Safety, and Workplace Safety

The current government and the previous coalition government have made several promises to treat mental health with the same concern as physical health, and HSE’s new series of courses seem to echo these promises. On their website, HSE has a full list of the courses on offer in the first few months of 2016, and several of these are dedicated to understanding how behaviour and mental health can affect the workplace.

The idea that prevention is the best form of protection for racking has long been a mantra for people in the warehousing industry. Consequently, in the June 2015 SEMA Seminar, the idea of “racking protection” was clarified; physical protection should be a last resort but racking safety regulations and regular racking inspection come first.

With HSE’s new courses on workplace behaviour and mental health, managers and employers can focus on a third level of protection: Why do workers take risks in the first place? How can I identify safe and unsafe behaviour? And how can I encourage healthier and therefore safer behaviour in my workplace?

At Storage Equipment Experts, we have long believed that the right behaviour, the right attitude, and the right motivation are key to the safety of any business. We agree that, while regulations are important, it is also vital to look at the human side of safety. Businesses are usually keen to motivate their staff for sales, but they are not often as keen to motivate them for safety.

However, Storage Equipment Experts, HSE, and the larger safety community see things differently. With a new attitude towards mental health and some great training lined up, 2016 will be a brave new year for racking safety and British workplace safety as a whole.

Start this brave new year with a smart and safe choice. Contact Storage Equipment Experts for a racking inspection and racking inspection training from the best SEMA approved racking inspector in the UK!